Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Fetal Development Lab

List of Ten Significant Events during Fetal Development:

1. Week 13 (Beginning of three months pregnant): The bag of water that surrounds the baby cushions it from external movements, keeps the baby in constant temperature, and allows for the baby to apply free movement of head, limbs, and rest of body. The heartbeat can also be heard at this time. I believe that this time of thirteen weeks is significant, because the baby is fully protected from the outside world and the “idea” of pregnancy becomes a reality for the parents when the heartbeat is heard for the first time.
Picture of week 13
2. Week 16 (End of three months pregnant): The baby is completely formed at this time and stages after this is spent in the uterus of growing and maturing until it reaches the stage of development where the baby can survive on its own. Also, the mother of the baby can begin to feel slight flutters of the movement of the baby. I believe that this time of sixteen weeks is significant, because the process of formation of all the vital internal organs, internal body systems, and exterior body systems are finished in development and the sensation of the baby moving is a beautiful feeling (for moms).
Picture of week 16

3. Week 18 (Beginning of four months pregnant): The baby begins testing its reflexes by bouncing and kicking around in the uterus. And, the baby is also grasping and sucking its fingers, toes, and other. Also, the production of heat-producing brown fat also forms that helps keep the baby warm in cold environments. I believe that this time of eighteen weeks is significant, because the baby becomes aware of its limbs puts them into action and the development of brown fat is important for temperature protection.
4. Week 20 (End of four months pregnant): Sebum from sebaceous glands mixes with skin cells and forms vernix, which is a protective coating that clings to the fine fetal hair on the baby’s skin. Also, the baby’s brain grows rapidly and the spine, ribs, and long bones of arms and legs have hardened into bone. I believe that this time of twenty weeks is significant, because skin protectant is developed and helps protect the baby within the uterus and the developing bones in the baby are now hardening.
Picture of week 20

5. Week 24 (End of five months pregnant): The opening of the nostrils allows for the baby to make periodic muscular movements that prepares to intake air into the lungs at birth, which stimulates lung development. And, air sacks within the lungs begin to develop. The sensory systems within the baby are now making connections with the brain. I believe that this time of twenty-four weeks is significant, because it allows for the major developments of the lungs and how the baby can utilize them. And, the connections from the senses to the brain will be very useful after birth.
6. Week 27 (Midway of six months pregnant): Around this time, the baby’s eyelids become unfused and open for the first time. Also, the baby’s brain can now direct constant breathing and body temperature. I believe that this time of twenty-seven weeks is significant, because the motor output of opening the eyes is finally processed and the baby begins to gain more control of its internal systems.
Picture of week 27

7. Week 31 (Beginning of seven months pregnant): The process of rapid brain growth occurs again, increasing the baby’s head circumference greatly. The placenta has reached maximum of amniotic content, but is still provided with plenty of oxygen. I believe that this time of thirty-one weeks is significant, because the rapid growth rate allows for the baby’s brain and body to change and the baby is resting up against the uterus, instead of floating around, which allows for parents and child to bond in a new way.
8. Week 36 (Midway of eight months pregnant): During this time, the baby is almost fully mature and may drop down into the pelvis for birth. Also, the baby’s intestines are accumulating waste products, called meconium, from the liver, pancreas, and gall bladder. I believe that this time of thirty-six weeks is significant, because the baby is preparing for birth by dropping into the pelvis and gathering wastes that will be expelled after birth.
Picture of week 31

9. Week 38 (Beginning of nine months pregnant): The structure of the baby’s skull creates spaces that will allow for molding of the head as the baby passes through the birth canal. Also, the baby’s chest and abdomen become more dominant, especially the abdomen due to the liver’s production of new blood cells. I believe that this time of thirty-eight weeks is significant, because the skull’s structure allows for the head to pass smoothly through the birth canal and doesn’t damage the baby’s brain. And, the liver is rapidly producing blood cells that are important for the baby’s continuing development.
10. Week 40 (End of nine months pregnant): The baby is considered fully developed and can be born healthy at this time. I believe that this time of forty weeks is significant, because it is the time when the baby is finally ready to greet the outside world, everything is fully developed, and the parents finally get to see and love their new found love.


Human Biology 10e. Mader, Sylvia S.
The Complete Book of Pregnancy & Childbirth. Kitzinger, Shelia
The Pregnancy Journal. Harris, Christine

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