Thursday, June 21, 2007

Nutrition Lab

Figure 1: Nutrition lab that added up all of my food choices for the day by calories, fat, saturated fat, cholesteral, sodium, carbohydrates (fiber and sugar), protein, and vitamins A, C, and calcium, and iron.

How healthy of a diet do you think this is?
I think my diet for this day is moderately healthy, because I had a little bit of everything that is appropriate for my body. For example, I had a humungous salad that is equivalent to at least three servings of the vegetable group. I also had meals rich in complex carbohydrates such as, whole wheat bread and pasta.

What would you cahnge about this day's eating, if anything?
I would change the coco puffs I had for breakfast, because it doesn't really offer anything nutrious, just more of a sugar rush that left me feeling hunger just a few moments later. I also would change the frozen vanilla yogurt, because it is another one of those food choices that offers more sugar than anything essential or beneficial.

Do you find this kind of nutritional tracking helpful? Why or why not?
Yes, I find this kind of nutritional tracking helpful, because it me aware of what I am consuming and how much. For example, after everything was added together, I had found out that I had eaten a total of 87 grams of fat, which is much higher than the reccomended daily value, and 23 grams of saturated fat. It made me realize that I need to maybe choose some more heart healthier dishes.


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